I would not permit kids to swim without an adult at home, even teenagers. We had neighbors who had a pool, they went somewhere and the teen son had friends over. They got the brilliant idea to jump off the garage roof into the pool. One kid missed, and was paralyzed. They got sued and lost, of course, because it was their duty to supervise.
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
As a parent, did you ever have a swimming pool and invite neighbor kids?
by 4thgen inbeing 4th generation, i realize that am socially stunted, in regard to those that are not jws.
i am forging ahead and endeavoring to build a life outside of jw's.
i am trying as i can to socialize my child to make friends and be a normal kid.
The do not call list
by LisaRose ini have posted before about my experience trying to get on the "do not call" list.
despite repeated requests, a phone call to the hall and mailing a letter, and then giving a copy to a jw, they just keep coming by.
i was going to put up a no soliciting sign, then i can call the police on them, but my husband doesn't want me to do it.. so, i decided if they come back i would have some fun.
finally awake
You should hang a little Sparlock figure by your door
My Child Has Asked Me to Divorce Husband
by HeyThere ini guess i am just venting.
its a mess.
i just dont even know where to start with this crap.
finally awake
Honestly, cut your losses and bail.
My daughter's wedding dilemma
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy daughter will be getting married this coming august.
she and her future husband are not jehovah's witnesses.
they will have a non-religious wedding ceremony.
finally awake
It's better to invite the cousin, insist that he come, and don't forewarn any of the dubs. That way, when they make an ass of themselves walking out of the reception, it will show the normal people in attendance just how crazy the borg is. Also, making the dubs suffer for their beliefs rather than pandering to their "consciences" may help them wake up.
New to The Jehovahs Witness Faith and need some help
by jnjburkett inhello there i am new to the faith and have been studying for about a month.
i am very excited and hungry for the truth and have not missed a meeting or study since the memorial.
we do about 2 bible studies a week.
finally awake
Ahhh - that right there is why your friend is allowed to go to the Y. Her daddy is one of the big cheeses and ahe can get away with anything. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that a single mom with no status in the Borg could get away with that.
What I really hate....
by Perversion of a truth inis that i was born into this cult, taught and believed that i was going to live forever, , that i was never going to have to die.
now i am in my mid 30's realizing that this life is all there is and that after that i am dead forever and i am terrified.
i don't want this to be all there is, , i don't want to just live a few years on this beautiful planet and then become non existent forever!
finally awake
I hope you get a handle on your anxiety levels, it would be a shame to waste the years you have here worrying about what will happen after you die.
finally awake
Great news! I hope this is the just the beginning of a stream of good things for you
"we must be ready to obey, even if it doesnt sound reasonable from a human standpoint"
by stuckinarut2 inso its now all clear!.
the reason why that damned wt article several months back said the quote:.
"we may be asked to do something by jehovahs organization, and we should be ready to obey even if it doesnt seem reasonable from a human standpoint or not".
finally awake
Magnum, I am so sorry. I hate losing a pet.
Did you ever write your disassociation letter?
by make yourself inbut never gave it to the elders or anyone in the congregation?
finally awake
I've never written a disassociation letter. I simply quit attending, and refused to answer the phone when any witnessess called. When I see witnesses in public, I respond if they greet me but that's it - no long personal conversations in the middle of WalMart. I don't feel the need to repudiate my association publicly, although I have discussed it with pretty much all of my post-exit new friends.
Ladies - how often should you wash your hair??
by quellycatface ini've cut my hair washing from every 2 days to every 4 days and this week, i've left it 7 days.
it's been growing much better and is in great condition!
any tips for growing your hair lush and lovely?.
finally awake
even at 43, my hair is so greasy that I have to wash it every morning. If I wash it at night, it's greasy again by morning. I've tried letting it go for several days when I don't have to go out in public to see if the oil production would slow down. It's unbelieveably gross after 2 days, stringy and wet looking. It never stops producing oil.